Bird Brained

Thank you, Elon, for all the chaos in your Twitter acquisition; I deactivated my (X?) account a few weeks ago after not being on there since December-ish. I don’t care about anything else you’ve done but you finally got me off that site.

I’d also like to thank myself for not having that much interest in replacing it with another thing like it.

Less input from complete strangers gives me more space and less noise in my head to just be.

31/10/2022, 11:42

It’s been quite the year.

I’m finally ready to start sharing a bit about what’s happened and changed within me. This time, I plan to actually write and share with honesty; not the thing I was doing before — hiding behind some semi-curated veneer of who I actually am for the sake of ignoring some of my shadows. Let’s see if any of it makes sense and/or is helpful to others.

In the meantime though, here’s my pilgrim credential from my four-day camino de invierno a Santiago de Compostela (I collated some Instagram Stories from along the way):

Day 1: Monforte de Lemos → Chantada
Day 2: Chantada → Rodeiro
Day 3: Rodeiro → Silleda
Day 4: Silleda → Santiago de Compostela

I also re-connected to kickstart the slow move away from Twitter/Instagram.