Our friends bought 10 hectares of land near Sertã, Portugal for an upcoming rural coliving/coworking project. Here is just one of the houses on the property.
Summer Vacation
I started my ten-day vacation from work today and it feels fantastic. Tomorrow, we’re driving the 4.5 hours down to Oleiros, central Portugal tomorrow.
Post-Pandemic Travel Plan #1
More travel daydreams. I started looking back at photos from Sierra Leone and forgot I had taken this one before taking the boat to the Banana Islands.
I’ve recommended a hypothetical overland trip from Spain/Morocco to Sierra Leone and back to so many people with having only overlanded half of it. It’s been in my head awhile. I learned a lot about my preferred way of travel in Latin America that I would like to use in West Africa again.
Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal (maybe The Gambia), Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, and Sierra Leone.
Three months minimum. Local transport. Stay in villages and bring rice for potential hosts. You could fly down to Freetown and start up depending on how you feel about air travel.
Elon Musk and the Bolivian Coup
We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it. — Elon Musk
I hope any technology enthusiasts that support unhinged billionaire Elon Musk reading this re-assess their hero worship. You could also read Vijay Prashad and Alejandro Bejarano’s article about Musk acting like a neo-conquistador for South America’s lithium.
Considering the Eucalypt

It’s hard to ignore the ubiquity of eucalyptus in Galicia, especially on the coast. Introduced to and spread throughout the region as a cash crop for paper pulp, a eucalypt plantation is low-maintenance and fast-growing. It’s also notoriously fire-prone and a scourge for autochthonous flora and fauna. With so many Galicians having emigrated to other countries or the cities, agricultural labor is sparse in the rural areas and it’s easy to see why land owners would plant it.
Forest fires, usually intentionally set, worry many in the area. Most of Galicia has been under “extreme” fire risk for the last few days. There are even Twitter accounts to monitor bombeiro activity.
This forestry map was shared by journalist David Lombao on Twitter. The provinces with the least eucalyptus are Lugo and Ourense.